JCH, CZCH, CZWorkCH Armína z Váhy "U"


Sire: J River Fox Red Fire of Texmo

Dam: CZCH, WorkCH Absolut First Ida Garonera „U“

Height and weight: 45cm and 17kg

Dentititon: Correct bite, full dentition

Hip: A (Excellent)

Elbow: 0/0 (Excellent)

Patella: Normal

Eyes: ECVO 2022 clear

PRA: Clear

CEA: Clear

CP1: Clear by parentage

CLPS: Clear by parentage

JADD: Clear by parentage

DM: Clear

DEN: Clear by parentage


Shows: Excellent, CAJC, CAC, CACIB, BOJ, BOS, National winner, Czech junior champion, Czech champion

Hunting tests: OVVR, KZV 3. prize, KZVP 1. prize, KPZ 1. prize res. CACT, CACT, KLZ 1.prize CACT, KZPR 1. prize CACT, KVZPR 2. prize „U“

Hunting work: Czech working champion, Czech Universal Hunting Dog, work in pheasantry (Konopiště, Otice), work in duck farm (Tachov)

Tollingjaktprov: Unofficial NKL Czech republic 1. prize (judges choice), Unofficial OKL Czech republic 1. prize, Unofficial EKL Czech republic NS (judges choice)

Agility: IA 3 excellent, Master of the Czech Republic in agility for the NSDTR breed 2022, fulfilled the condition of the second season for awarding the A3 champion title

How is she? Very hardworking, great will to please, very cuddly, kind and friendly, a little clown, energetic, a lot of endurance, is very soft to handle, hates drill and pressure, sometimes a little stubborn. Loves food. How could we have lived without Armina before?

Health issues: —



Zaječice 48

Pyšely, 251 67


Czech republic